First Month with Josie Ruth

April 8, 2022

Nothing really prepares you for taking care of a child. You can read all of the books, ask for advice, attend classes, and get your home ready, but bringing your little pumpkin home, who relies solely on you to keep them fed and happy, is something you cannot fully anticipate. The first month home with our sweet Josie was honestly a blur. I experienced some of the most incredibly happy and joy filled moments full of awe and love. I also experienced some of the most exhausting and trying moments of my life. We were not only learning how to take care of a baby in general, we were learning how to specifically take care of Josie. I cannot imagine raising and taking care of Josie on our own. Jared and I were and still are so blessed with friends and family that support us in this journey of raising Josie. 


In reflecting on Josie’s first month of life and my first month as a mama (I am currently writing this about 7 weeks postpartum), I am filled with so much positivity about this part of my life. Now, some of the positive vibes come from getting more than an hour and a half of sleep at a time. I get 4 hours straight and feel like a new human these days! These weeks have flown, and I know as more time passes, the quicker it is going to feel. I want to remember these times for more kiddos in the future, God willing or for Josie when/if she becomes a mom. 

The first month home with my Josie girl has taught me to…

  1. Talk about it

Most people experience baby blues after having a baby, and sometimes those blues can turn into postpartum depression and/or anxiety. Knowing this, I was ready to feel unlike myself. I am so grateful that Jared would check in with me and touch base on how I was doing, and he also was very understanding of the frequent and random tears. What got me through my baby blues (that sometimes still linger) is to talk about it. I was, and sometimes still do, experience anxiety when it comes to taking care of Josie. I am fearful of the worst: What happens if I fall down the stairs while carrying her? Is Josie breathing? What if we get into a car accident? What happens if her stroller goes off the edge of the sidewalk and the stroller flips over? Is she choking? It was a constant string of worries that would prevent me from sleeping in the small amount of time that we were able to have those first weeks. Talking to Jared and my mom was a saving grace. They would acknowledge my worries and help pull me from the darkness. You cannot pour from an empty cup.

  1. Get in the sun

Not only is the sun good for your baby, but it really was good for me too! Being in the sun would help me recharge my batteries and help me stay awake during the day. After being in the sun, I felt more capable and happy.

  1. Simply feed your baby - breastfeeding vs bottle feeding does NOT matter

Some moms have this desire to breastfeed and are so passionate about it. I am not one of those people. I went into the delivery room completely unsure of the path I was going to take with Josie. I was open to trying breastfeeding, but if it didn’t work, it was not a big deal to me. I heard so many times that ‘breast is best’, but I do not completely agree with that statement. If mom is in a good place emotionally and the baby is fed, then that is best. If that means your baby is breastfed, formula fed, or a mixture of both, just do what works for you and your baby and do not feel guilty about it. 

  1. Rest when the baby is sleeping

Resting could look like sleeping, but it doesn’t have to be. So many people told me to sleep when the baby is sleeping, which is good in theory, but not in reality. Sometimes it was better for me to read a book, watch ‘The Office’ and laugh on the couch with Jared, or even clean the occasional dish. It goes back to doing what makes you feel good. Having a clean and organized home makes me feel good, so I think it is worth it to spend some of my me time cleaning and organizing where others might view that as a form of torture. 

  1. LOVE that baby!

God chose me to love, cherish, and raise Josie with my favorite person. She needs me, and I am the best mom for her. As long as she is happy, safe, and loved then I’ve done my job. I am so blessed to have a mom who has paved the way and shown me what an incredible mother is. Not once have I ever questioned her love for me. My mom is the epitome of selflessness, an incredible role model, and my best friend. I hope and pray that I can be half the mom to Josie that she is to me. If I can do that then Josie will have a wonderful life.
